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Working with The Felix Project

15 May 2024 - Written by  The Felix Project

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Nearly 2 million Londoners are struggling without access to food. To respond to this hunger issue, The Felix Project is working hard to get food to the most vulnerable, but we need your help.

Who are we

Back in 2016, we set up a food redistribution charity in London to fight against food waste and hunger whilst our food industry generates 3 million tonnes of good, edible surplus food each year. With the vision of no one going hungry in London and no good food being wasted, we have built a network with over 500 suppliers including manufacturers, supermarkets, farms, restaurants and wholesalers to ensure high-quality products and surplus food is repurposed into a nutritional meal. This includes fresh fruit, vegetables, salads, fish and meat, pairing ingredients together for a delicious meal.

Our Inspiration

Inspired by Felix, son of The Felix Project founder (our true hero) who fought his battle against Meningitis, unfortunately, passed away back in 2014 but will always live on. He grew up to be a fun-loving, compassionate individual who was always concerned about his football team members not having enough energy to play due to a malnutrition diet. In light of celebrating his life, we set this charity up to help those in need and unable to afford to pay for food. You’d be surprised to learn 1.5 million adults in London struggle to afford to eat every day whilst 400,000 children are at risk of missing the next meal.

Our Impact

The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold. Our volunteers then sort and deliver the food to almost 1000 front-line charities, holiday programmes and primary schools, feeding those who are vulnerable and may not have access to regular meals. To help drive our mission further, we’ve also opened state-of-the-art kitchens in East London known as Felix’s Kitchen, using surplus food to cook 5000 meals every day. We have chefs on-site who work alongside our volunteers to prepare delightful dishes to cater to all.

Our Partners

We’re grateful for all the hard work, time and money everyone puts in to help achieve our goal. We just want to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to Tilda! Tilda first donated back in December 2016 and has been on our journey since. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the food we collect from our suppliers.


Help us to help others

Contributing towards The Felix Project can be done in many ways. Whether you’re an organisation looking to partner up with us, a supplier who has food to offer or simply a good-hearted person who wants to donate towards a good cause or volunteer, we’ll accept all the help with open arms. Spread the word and join our #FelixFoodHeroes list if you agree no child should go hungry to school.

Visit our website today and let’s fight hunger together!

We joined Felix’s journey from the beginning and we’re delighted to say we will continue our support for a charity that offers good food for good causes. We recognise each kilo of rice donated is a step closer to fighting poverty which is a growing problem across London.

Jon Calland, Head of Sustainability & External Affairs, Tilda

Did you know?

Tilda has donated a whopping 95.5 tonnes of rice which equates to 227,381 meals to date!


During our recent visit in May 2024, the Team prepared and packed 5,206 Tilda rice-based meals to be distributed to community-based organisations across London.

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Felix in Action

We’re proud to say our efforts and hard work allows food to reach families, children, the elderly, the homeless and those on low income through our charity movement.