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Lime Rice Cream

Coconut and Lime Rice Cream

Cardamom and Cumin Rice Sponge, Coconut and Lime Rice Cream, Sesame Seed Tuile, Mango Compote and Coulis.

Created by Killoran Wills from University College Birmingham, winner of the Best Use of Rice Category in Zest Quest Asia Tilda Challenge 2021.

  • Hard




Cardamom and Cumin Rice Sponge

  • 58g butter
  • 58g caster sugar
  • 25g whole egg
  • 50g plain flour
  • 28g ground rice (Tilda Fragrant Jasmine Rice)
  • 30g ground almonds
  • 5ml milk
  • 2g baking powder
  • Zest of ½ an orange
  • ½ vanilla pod
  • 8 cardamom pods
  • 5g cumin ground
  • 1g ground saffron

Coconut and Lime Rice Cream

  • 55g Tilda Pure Basmati Rice
  • 450ml coconut milk
  • 125ml double cream
  • 125ml coconut puree
  • ½ vanilla pod
  • 50g sugar
  • 20g icing sugar
  • Zest of one lime
  • Juice of two limes
  • 60g egg yolk
  • 55g sugar
  • 1g stabilizer
  • 20g glucose
  • 20ml Malibu

Coconut Gel

  • 200g coconut puree
  • 2g agar agar
  • 20ml Malibu

Mango compote

  • 1 mango cut into 1cm dice
  • 100g mango trimmings
  • ½ lime
  • 15g icing sugar
  • 20ml coconut milk

Sesame seed Tuiles

  • 80g sesame seeds
  • 100g butter
  • 35ml orange juice
  • 50ml liquid glucose
  • 50g plain flour
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 20g poppy seeds

Yuzu Jelly

  • 125g yuzu puree
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 150ml water
  • 4g agar agar

Cardamom, Cumin & Saffron Syrup

  • 75g sugar
  • 75ml water
  • 75ml orange juice
  • 10 cardamom pods split
  • 1g cumin seeds lightly roasted
  • 1g ground cumin
  • 1g saffron

Dried Lime Slices

  • 1/8 of a lime (for garnish)


  1. For the Cardamom and Cumin Rice Sponge - Preheat oven to 170°C.

  2. Grease and line loaf tins or molds.

  3. Cream the butter and sugar then beat eggs and add a little at a time.

  4. Fold in dry ingredients.

  5. Infuse the saffron with the milk and add to mix.

  6. Put into the prepared tins and bake for 25 minutes.

  7. Cool in tin before turning out.

  8. For the Coconut and Lime Rice Cream - Put rice in pan with milk, vanilla pod, sugar, lime zest and a pinch of salt.

  9. Bring to boil stirring continuously then simmer for 12 minutes.

  10. Remove from heat and leave for 2 hours. Take out the vanilla pod.

  11. Make custard by heating the rice milk with the coconut puree. Whisk yolks and sugar then add hot rice milk and coconut mixture.

  12. Return to a clean pan and cook until thickens. Allow to cool.

  13. In a bowl, mix the custard and cream and lime juice. Put in an ice cream machine and then in the freezer using molds if desired.

  14. For the Coconut Gel - In a pan, simmer the puree and Malibu on a low heat.

  15. Whisk in the agar agar.

  16. Leave to set and puree in a thermos mixer.

  17. Adjust consistency with coconut milk.

  18. For the Mango compote - Put the mango chunks, lime, icing sugar and coconut milk into a pan.

  19. Stir and heat over a medium heat for 10 minutes until the mango chunks soften.

  20. For the Sesame seed Tuiles - In a saucepan, melt the butter. Add the orange juice and glucose and gently warm the ingredients.

  21. Sieve the flour and add it to the orange mixture along with the icing sugar and seeds. Leave to rest for about 1 hour.

  22. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.

  23. Using a palette knife, spread 5g of the mixture thinly onto non-stick baking mats and cook in the oven for 12 minutes.

  24. Leave to cool. When the mixture has cooled but is still pliable, shape into a curved biscuit.

  25. For the Yuzu Jelly - In a pan, simmer the sugar and puree with the water.

  26. Sprinkle in the agar agar and lightly whisk.

  27. Simmer for one minute and pour into a prepared mold.

  28. For the Dried Lime Slices - Cut limes into thin slices

  29. Sprinkle with sugar and dry in a 100°C oven

  30. For the Cardamom, Cumin & Saffron Syrup - Bring the sugar and water to the boil.

  31. Add the spices and juice.

  32. Infuse all the ingredients.

  33. Serve warm in a small glass jug.

  34. For the Plating Sequence - Spoon a teaspoon of mango puree off centre and drag the puree to the right side, keeping the puree mainly near the centre of the plate.

  35. Place (at room temperature) the cardamom and cumin sponge in the centre of the plate.

  36. Dot the mango compote in three neat piles 12, 4 and 8 o'clock near the edge of the plate with a cube of yuzu jelly.

  37. Make a small drizzle or spots of mango puree around the outside of the plate.

  38. Place a ball of coconut and lime rice cream in the centre of the sponge.

  39. Place the sesame tuille spiral slightly underneath the ice cream and the spiral placed in a vertical position.

  40. The dry candied lime slice positioned onto of the ice cream standing up.

  41. Drizzle the warm spiced syrup on the sponge at the table for service.