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Tips & Tricks for the Perfect Curry

02 March 2021

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With a few simple tricks, you can whip up a deliciously satisfying dish—better than anything the local takeout or grocery store can offer.

While some of us might be tempted to reach for the store-bought pastes and sauces, making your own perfect curry from scratch couldn’t be easier. With a few simple tricks, you can whip up a deliciously satisfying dish—better than anything the local takeout or grocery store can offer.

Sizzle your spice:

Kick off your curry by heating whole spices in hot oil to unleash their flavor. Choose from cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and seeds for the perfect base to your dish. Fresh spices are the best choice and will keep for longer in the freezer.

Wholesome choices:

It’s a common misconception that curries have to be unhealthy. For a more wholesome curry, simply soak almonds in water for an hour and blend to create an almond paste or choose tomato as an alternative to coconut milk. Spices such as chili and ginger are packed with benefits like antioxidants, which help fight viruses and can boost circulation.

Take your time:

A good curry doesn’t have to take hours but it’s important to allow ingredients such as onions to cook properly, to get the most flavor out of them. Another trick is to save powered spices like garam masala until last. The cooking process reduces the flavor of dried spices, so it’s best to wait until you’re almost finished with the heat before adding to your mix.

Season to taste:

Tomato-based curries can benefit from a little sugar to take away the acidity and a pinch of salt can also balance the dish. If you accidentally go a little overboard with the seasoning, a twist of lemon juice will neutralize the excess.


Transform your curry with a simple topping! Toasted sesame seeds, shredded coconut, or a sprinkle of fresh pomegranate will add another layer of depth to your creation.


Make curries go further by adding pulses like chickpeas and yellow split peas. Not only will it bulk out the meal, but pulses are great sources of protein and fiber, so this will give your dish a nutritional boost. As long as the rice is cooled quickly (i.e. run under cold water after cooking) and stored in the fridge, it’s safe to reheat the next day—or you can grab a pack of our handy Steamed Basmati Rice which takes just two minutes in the microwave!

For the ultimate curry recipe, why not check out our Perfect Chicken Curry?