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Halloumi & Vegetable Salad

Try our delicious Halloumi & Vegetable Salad recipe, straight from the Tilda Kitchen

  • 0 - 30 Minutes
  • Easy
  • Serves 4




  • 1 pouch Tilda Pure Basmati
  • 2 tbsp of garlic flavoured oil
  • 1/2 an aubergine, cut into thick slices
  • 1 small courgette, cut into thick slices
  • 1/4 of a butternut squash, cut into thick slices
  • 1 corn on the cob, cooked for 5 – 7 minutes
  • 125g of Halloumi, cut into thick slices
  • A handful of fresh chopped coriander
  • A few torn mint leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Brush the aubergine, courgette, butternut squash, corn and halloumi with the oil.

  2. Cook over a high heat either on the BBQ or on a griddle pan until nicely chargrilled

  3. Chop vegetables roughly and remove the kernels from the corn

  4. Heat the rice on full power in the microwave for 1 minute

  5. Mix the rice, vegetables and halloumi together in a large bowl and then stir through the coriander and mint

  6. Season well and serve