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Home > Recipes > Sautéed Diver Scallop, Broad Bean and Pea Risotto

Sautéed Diver Scallop, Broad Bean and Pea Risotto

Served in a Scallop Shell.

  • Easy
  • Serves 10




  • 300g Tilda Arborio Risotto Rice
  • 10 large diver scallops, shells cleaned
  • 150g fresh peas, blanched and deskinned
  • 4 large shallots
  • Sprig of fresh thyme
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 litre fish stock
  • 1/4 bottle of white wine
  • 300ml whipping cream
  • 100g butter
  • 1/4 bunch snipped chives
  • 125g parmesan cheese
  • 75g pea shoots
  • Course sea salt, to serve


  1. For the Risotto - Finely dice the shallots and garlic and sweat down without colouring.

  2. Add the Tilda Arborio Risotto Rice and stir continuously whilst adding the wine and the thyme. Cook until the liquid has reduced.

  3. Add ½ cream and ½ fish stock to the rice, continuing to stir continuously. When the rice is cooked, spread it onto a tray and allow to cool.

  4. Assembly - Reheat the risotto in a pan, add the Parmesan, peas and broad beans and a little liquid if needed to loosen the risotto. Check the seasoning.

  5. Pan-fry the scallops in hot pan with a little oil and butter. Try not to move them too much as you want a good colour.

  6. Place a pile of salt in the middle of plate and sit a scallop shell on the salt (this will hold it in place and is for garnishing purpose only.)

  7. Add chopped chives to risotto and place in a cleaned shell top with scallop and garnish with pea shoots and chives.