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Home > Recipes > Start Bay Crab, Chipirones and Squid Ink Risotto

Start Bay Crab, Chipirones and Squid Ink Risotto

  • Hard
  • Serves 6




Basil Oil

  • 1 bunch fresh basil leaves
  • 300ml vegetable oil
  • Salt
  • White pepper

Crispy Parmesan Stick

  • 300g parmesan cheese

Crabs & Chipirones

  • 2 x 1kg crabs
  • 500g chipirones
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 20ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 60g butter
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp fresh flat leaf parsley


  1. For the Basil Oil - Blanch basil in boiling water for 10 seconds then refresh in ice cold water.

  2. Blend in liquidizer with oil, salt and pepper and then refrigerate until required.

  3. For the Crispy Parmesan Stick - Pre-heat oven 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.

  4. Finely grate the Parmesan and place into 6 circular cutters (5 inches in diameter) on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper.

  5. Cook in oven for 4-5 minutes until golden.

  6. Leave on the tray until warm and roll over a steel cone to make into the stick shape.

  7. For the Crab & Chipirones - Cook the crab in boiling salty water for 14 minutes and then leave them to cool in a colander, keeping 500ml of the cooking water for use in the risotto.

  8. When the crab is cold, crack the shell and take out the meat.

  9. Prep the chipirones (or ask the fishmonger to do it for you) and sear them in a hot frying pan with oil, salt and pepper for 1 minute.

  10. Add the garlic and deglaze the pan with the juice of 1 lemon.

  11. Add butter and finish with parsley.

  12. For the Risotto - Sauté the onion, garlic, bay leaf and thyme in the oil until golden.

  13. Add the Tilda Arborio Rice and stir, ensuring that all grains are covered with the oil.

  14. Deglaze the pan with white wine, butter and the retained crab water.

  15. Add pepper (but no salt at this stage) and cook on a low heat for 15 – 20 minutes. The rice should be slightly al-dente in the middle.

  16. When ready to serve, pour ½ tsp of squid ink into the risotto along with the tomatoes, the chipirones and the chopped parsley. Finally, taste the seasoning and adjust accordingly.

  17. Assembly - Pour the risotto into pasta bowls or flat plates, top with the crab, the Parmesan stick and drizzle some of the basil oil around the edge of the plate.