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Patrick Roberts

Chef, The Old Forge

PJ Old Forge PJ Old Forge

Having spent all my life at The Old Forge we went our separate ways when I left to study chemistry at St Andrews for 5 years I returned to The Old Forge with a Masters degree in Chemistry but no new ideas about what I wanted to do with my life.

So I simply endeavoured to make myself useful around the kitchen – and somewhere along the way I realised I wanted nothing more than to be a chef and have the enjoyment that cooking and creating dishes would bring. And so a new era came to be.

I opened my version of The Old Forge in 2019 with the aim of creating menus that are fun for all, myself included – influenced in passing by all the world’s cuisines that I have been lucky enough to sample. Offering something that is simultaneously interesting, appealing, accessible and yet different. My current menu can always be found on www.oldforgerestaurant.co.uk.