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Home > Recipes > Paupiette of Sea Bass with a Korma Flavoured Basmati & Crayfish Stuffing

Paupiette of Sea Bass with a Korma Flavoured Basmati & Crayfish Stuffing

Served with carrot and courgette ribbons and a creamy korma sauce. For a richer flavour, cook the Basmati using chicken stock, and garnish with deep fried coriander.

Recipe by Stuart Fay, The Bell Inn, Horndon on the Hill


  • Hard
  • Serves 10




  • 250g Tilda Original Pure Basmati Rice
  • 1 large onion, finely diced
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely diced
  • 150g mushrooms, botton, sliced
  • Butter, to sauté
  • ¼ tsp tumeric
  • ¼ tsp cumin
  • ½ litre fish stock
  • 250g creamed coconut
  • 250g ground almonds
  • 100g flaked almonds
  • 1 red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
  • 250g crayfish, rinsed and drained
  • 10 fillets of sea bass, scaled and pin boned
  • Chive stems, blanched
  • 2 large zucchini, cut lengthways into ribbons
  • 2 large carrots, cut lengthways into ribbons
  • Lemon juice, to serve
  • Spinach leaves, butter and nutmeg, for garnish


  1. Sauté onion with garlic and sliced button mushrooms in a little butter, without colouring

  2. Add the spices, then the stock and reduce by half

  3. Add the coconut cream and almonds and check seasoning

  4. Cook the rice according to the instructions on pack, adding the chopped chilli. When cooked spread out on to a tray and allow to cool

  5. Mix the cooked and cooled rice with the crayfish and fill the sea bass fillets, securing with a few chive stems

  6. Blanch ribbons of carrot and courgette in salted boiling water until just soft and refresh in ice cold water

  7. For the Assembly - Cook sea bass until just firm in a hot oven. Season and add a squeeze of lemon juice

  8. Sauté the spinach leaves in butter and season with nutmeg

  9. Sauté the carrot and courgette ribbons in butter and seasoning

  10. Re-heat the korma sauce

  11. Place spinach in the centre of a warm plate

  12. Position sea bass on top of spinach

  13. Pile vegetable ribbons on top of sea bass and spoon the sauce around